MangoApps startup is the Modern Intranet Platform

MangoAppsMangoApps uniquely combines Company Intranet, Real-Time Messaging, Team Collaboration Tools, and Employee Social Networking into one seamless product so you can get more done with less effort and cost.

Their goal from the very beginning is to make work life easy, by providing a single tool employees could use throughout the day for all their communication and collaboration needs bringing about a profound change in how we collaborate, the way an email did almost 20 years ago. They want MangoApps to be a place where employees could not only talk about work, but actually do the work.

One tool for great company-wide collaboration 



One of the major strength of mangoapps compared to any other vendor has been providing multiple deployment options (shared cloud, public cloud, on-premise), customization per client requests not just on the web but also with Mobile apps, seamless integration of a wide variety of modules, monthly releases, availability on all major mobile operating systems has kept MangoApps stay ahead of the competition. Also, MangoApps is the only collaboration software provider focusing specifically on the needs of midsize organizations. Their USP is that they provide advanced security options, customization options, and licensing flexibility which is normally reserved for fortune 100 companies and delivering the same options to mid-size customers.

They are self-funded & a profitable company today, while they continue to remain focused on MangoApps by integrating more & more legacy business applications, provide new modules within MangoApps. They have an app called OfficeChat which is like Whats Apps for businesses available on web, desktop & all mobile devices. They have also launched a free app called TinyTake which makes it easy to capture screens, videos & share them as links & Huddle a free online meetings solution which includes Presentation, White boarding, desktop sharing, video & audio conferencing.

Geekopedia wishes MangoApps best of luck for future endeavors

Ankul Bagati

Ankul is a management consultant with a keen interest in Startups growing around and the technology underneath. Being a startup/technology enthusiast he writes about them in his free time. He loves food and travelling. He is an avid reader and is very active on the social media platforms.

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