Axilor Ventures plans to accelerate investment in early stage Startups

Axilor Ventures today announced that it plans to accelerate its investments in early stage startups. It is looking to double the intake of startups for its 100-day accelerator program, the applications for which are currently open. In the last two years since inception Axilor has supported 30 startups through its accelerator program and invested in over 20 startups through its investment programs. Axilor’s fast growing portfolio now includes startups in AI, Enterprise, Fintech, Consumer Internet and Healthtech.

Talking about the outlook for startups, Kris Gopalakrishnan, Chairman of Axilor Ventures said, “We are getting ready for the second wave of startups. A fast growing base of online consumers, an enabling public digital infrastructure, growing pool of founders with prior startup experience and increase in early stage seed capital are creating the conditions for this second wave.

 Commenting on how the accelerator program improves the odds of success of startups, Ganapathy Venugopal, Cofounder and CEO of Axilor said, “In an uncertain funding environment, Axilor’s accelerator program is a great opportunity for entrepreneurs to scale their startups and get funded quickly. 70% of the startups from the last batch have successfully moved to their next stage – half of them have already secured funding, one has been acquired and the others are in advanced stages of pilots. The program enables them to accelerate progress, sign up customers and get funded, quickly.

Watch the 10 reasons why you should apply to the Axilor Accelerator Program:


On the upcoming Summer batch, he said, “We have one of the most founder-friendly programs and are seeing great response to our call for applications.” Axilor is looking to double the intake of startups to its upcoming Summer ’17 accelerator batch. The program is open to early stage startups focused on Artificial Intelligence, Enterprise, Fintech, Consumer Internet and HealthtechThe program’s uniqueness lies in a cohort-based structure with focused sector mentoring and market access. With specific partnerships for each of these sectors, startups get a ready launch pad for their products, acquire early customers and can grow business quickly.

Applications for the Summer ’17 accelerator program are currently open. To learn more and apply visit The applications close on 23 February, 2017 and the batch is scheduled to start in March ’17.

About Axilor Ventures: Axilor Ventures is a platform for supporting early stage startups. Through its accelerator and seed fund programs, it helps early stage startups improve their odds of success. It was founded by some of the iconic entrepreneurs and business leaders, which include Kris Gopalakrishnan, S D Shibulal, Professor Tarun Khanna, Srinath Batni and Ganapathy Venugopal. In the last two years, it has supported more than 40 startups, made 20 investments and has an active Alumni network of 80+ founders.


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