My Leisure App – It’s more than free time, its my leisure

MLAMy Leisure App is the Tinder for your leisure time needs. Looking for a new movie or TV show to watch, book to read, app to download or game to play? Drawing a blank on where to start? So many options, so little free time. This is where the My Leisure app comes handy to maximize your free time, providing customized recommendations based on your specific taste, what your friends enjoy and your favorite platforms.

It was founded in December of 2014. The team first had great success with a local app- TrustMe, which provides personalized, peer recommendations for professional services. The app secured over 35K unique users within 3 months of product launch, confirming both the concept and the technology. Based on the experience and the model’s success, they decided to approach a larger, high-potential market and diversify the content offering– focusing now on recommendations for a variety of leisure activities.

The founders have been working together since October of 2012. They each come from very different backgrounds and fields of expertise but together, are driven to revolutionize the way consumers discover and enjoy leisure activities in 2015

 MyLeisureApp includes breakthrough patent-pending technology. The app’s advanced engine has the unique capability to cross-reference both user characteristics and peer recommendations, making it the only app that can offer personalized recommendations from the very first moment, without requiring a long and awkward registration process.

They see MyLeisure App becoming the go-to source for entertainment and leisure recommendations, and expanding to all facets of leisure including hobbies, collections and more.

They plan to use an affiliate model as they will not only provide recommendations but also direct users to platforms where they can purchase their desired leisure products.

Geekopedia wishes MyLeisureApp best of luck for future endeavors.

Ankul Bagati

Ankul is a management consultant with a keen interest in Startups growing around and the technology underneath. Being a startup/technology enthusiast he writes about them in his free time. He loves food and travelling. He is an avid reader and is very active on the social media platforms.

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