Rudder App enable users to streamline decision making using polls
Rudder is a social communication platform that enables you to streamline the collaborative decision-making process by using polls to come to collective and immediate decisions.It is a free iPhone app that enables users to receive quick feedback on upcoming decisions. Users create polls to send to friends for immediate feedback. It’s Survey Monkey, but geared towards being social and fun.Simply create a poll from a variety of formats, upload images or input text to illustrate the choices, and then send the poll to any of your contacts for them to vote. Rudder then instantly scores and tabulates the votes in an attractive graphic format so users can see which is the most popular choice and who voted for what. The fun continues after as participants can add their own comments to any poll. The latest version of Rudder incorporates some of the most requested features from its user base, including integrated contacts from Facebook, the ability to post poll results to Facebook & Twitter, and a private poll option so you can ask the most personal questions securely. In the few months they’ve been active, they’ve seen some amazing use cases, like a boy who got advice on which flowers to buy for Valentine’s Day, or two soon-to-be parents who used Rudder for advice on baby names.
Rudder was founded by Willie Navarre and Gabe Nadel. Willie recently work as a Creative Executive at Global Produce, a film and TV production company in Los Angeles, and before that, worked at United Talent Agency. Willie graduated from Wake Forest University in 2009 and will attend Wharton Business School in the fall. Gabe recently moved to London with his wife to study at London Business School. Prior to heading back to school, he was a private equity investor at 3i Group in New York, and before that worked at Lazard in M&A. He currently mentors social entrepreneurs with the Resolution Project and advises a variety of startups. Gabe graduated from Yale in 2009, where he studied history and played lacrosse.
Everybody needs advice from their closest friends and family on life-changing decisions, right? Rudder helps harness that trusted wisdom for everyday choices like what to wear, where to meet for drinks, or when your friends are available for a Netflix marathon. They offer people the ability to get advice and feedback from their most trust circle of advisers. With Rudder, you can confer with your friends, family and colleagues at anytime and tap into the collective wisdom of the people who truly know you best.They’re not focused right now on generating revenue. The product is new, and they need to build a user base of people who can’t stop opening up the app. Subjecting users to ads right now would detract from the experience they’re trying to create. That being said, if they can build a meaningful user base, it’s not hard to imagine the various ways to start generating revenue. But even then, they’ll strive to do so without disrupting the user experience.