Tjori is an exquisite online store which was launched in 2013 by Mansi and Ankit to deliver Indian handicraft products. Tjori means ‘treasure chest’ in Hindi, a perfect representation of what stands for – a treasure chest of incredible finds from across India. The idea was to directly reach the customers to get them exclusive hand crafted products from Indian craftsman, weavers and artisans at the best possible prices and great convenience.Launched initially with a team of two people (Mansi and Ankit), Tjori has considerably grown to a team of 23 and is looking for more intakes of human power soon. Tjori works on limited period sales model so that there will be an element of discovery every day and a limited time period for people to buy these items which creates an urge to buy something before it is gone.
Actually the idea of Tjori come to Mansi while in Philadelphia and sooner she and Ankit started their journey as a team working on Tjori. The early days of Tjori can be traced back to their days while studying in Wharton and they say, the Morocco trip almost played a game changer in the journey of Tjori.Later when they came back to India in August 2012, they finally decided to start with operations on the ground and launched Tjori in India in 2013 January. Earlier, Tjori existed but in a quite informal way.Mainly, Tjori can be easily said to have started with an intention of getting the middlemen out of the chain of handmade products and make these products available to the buyers hassle free while first in North America and now along with India and other countries.
They want to be the one stop shop destination for people hunting for Global handicrafts. In a few years from now, they want to geographically expand in middle east and Europe including North America and India where they are already present. They have suppliers for the merchandise that they sell on their website and they retail these items directly to their customers at good value. They get the items from their first source/best source and retail to the customers eliminating any middle men.They aspire to be the biggest discovery platform for fashion and lifestyle products from across the globe. They are a growth phase start-up and looking to expand in India quickly as well as some International geographies. Things are quite hot and exciting for them at the moment.They work closely with independent designers, artisans, weavers and craftsmen from around the world to bring the best of their creations to their members at a phenomenal value. Their core focus is on bringing products which are unique and have high quality craftsmanship.
Geekopedia wishes Tjori best of luck for future endeavors.