How are Technologies Going to Dominate App Industry in 2020

Such rapid developments are being enjoyed by the app industry that, as far as the current forerunning technologies like AI, IoT, VR, 5G, and Blockchain are concerned, the topic of app development almost always seamlessly ties itself with them. 

This connection, indeed, has become so ingrained that it has become routine to discuss mobile app development and Blockchain app development will impact the industry on a yearly basis. 

This post will deal with just that so you can see just how far these developments have come and how these technologies continue to improve mobile app development.

Blockchain App Development

Blockchain remains one of the most powerful drivers of innovation in the app industry. The Blockchain SaaS trend began just recently but many major platforms like Microsoft and Amazon are beginning to adopt it. 

Many startups and established businesses also realize that this approach is more convenient for mobile app developers when, for example, linking their apps to a more accessible cloud-based backend. Another nifty way that has been unlocked when using blockchain is Ricardian contracts. Basically, they are machine-readable agreements you can use to improve your app’s financial transactions. It also unlocks better ways to send push notifications and optimize user management.

Also, social networking app developers need to start paying attention to how Blockchain will permeate their industry as well. They can begin using it to improve privacy and data regulation. Data storage can be boosted in terms of security and making sure that their users are able to maintain ownership of them. Lastly, it can also be utilized to improve the relevancy of content shown to users. 

The rise of federated blockchain needs to be put in the spotlight as well. These essentially serve as upgraded forms of private blockchains. For app developers meaning to concentrate on apps that render financial services and supply chain management, federated blockchain really takes security up a notch. 

IoT Mobile App Development

Great strides in cybersecurity, healthcare, wearables, smart homes, and synergy with blockchain have already been made in such a short amount of time thanks to IoT technology. Added layers of security via biometric logins, face recognition, and fingerprint scans can now be added in most apps.

In the healthcare industry, expect more implementations of IoT by way of wearables and implants that track vitals better and make the gathering of patient data that much faster and more secure. Apps concentrating on this have been developed and they are only sure to be honed further in the future.

In essence, though, IoT’s strength really lies in how it can connect viable equipment to apps. There are already plenty of dedicated tools and software that make the development of such apps easier. Platforms like Thingworx and Xively not only let you develop IoT-focused apps from the get-go, but they also readily give you the capability to market your app and improve its functionalities to actively help in improving businesses that rely on IoT apps.

AI Impacts on App Development

Household names like Siri have since been joined by other AI-apps that employ deep learning and machine learning like Google Assistant, FaceApp, and Cortana, and more are expected to come. 

Even as we write this, developers are actively brainstorming apps that will employ deep learning and machine learning to make data analytics more sophisticated and be more amenable to real-time settings. 

More AI-focused apps actively tap into the potent automation capabilities of the technology that leads to more efficient app development that can forgo plenty of additional steps developers used to take. 

AI has also been proven to improve the overall user experience in an app. For one, chatbots still remain an invaluable tool to enhance built-in messaging systems of any app. More accurate purchase recommendations thanks to AI also now figure in a lot of retail-related apps. Furthermore, AI’s impact on app development also readily shows in the many customization opportunities it offers as well as when accurately tracking user behavior.

AI also works well when integrated with IoT, particularly in enhancing image recognition and connected sensors. 

AI and machine learning already go hand in hand in a lot of their applications. But it’s apparent that AI is enjoying more attention from investors, having been slated to become a $40 billion industry for this year alone. 

AR/VR in App Development

Virtual reality in Youtube and augmented reality being deployed in training simulators are but some of the major developments in this other major technology sector. 

Don’t be surprised if these two will start to penetrate the gaming, retail, education, and healthcare industries further. Marvelous innovations like IrisVision have already been developed to help people suffering from vision loss to regain a fraction of their eyesight. You can only imagine just what other wonders can be developed with the help of AR and VR. 

As for gaming, collaborative gameplay in AR remains a sturdy trend, but costs do remain as a big hurdle. This collaboration perk extends, arguably, to communication as proven by apps with conference calls that freely utilize AR and VR technology. 

You also need not look further than the Google Expeditions app to see just how creatively AR and VR can be deployed in the education industry. 

Combined with what AI brings to the table, the impact of these two technologies can only be boosted further.

App developers need to be proactive in looking for better ways to capitalize on this fact. The good news is that we’re already feeling their impact. What’s certain is that they really unlock totally new ways for you to raise user engagement and experience. This will remain the primary reason for implementing AR/VR in the app industry.

5G in App Development

5G may not be fully rolled out yet, but plenty of developers now realize that 4G has stark limitations that 5G can easily overcome. In terms of connectivity, for instance, only 5G can easily accommodate more devices simultaneously. How much is “more”, exactly? Just think that it will be a thousandfold that of what 4G can support. This is why “dominate” could prove to be an understatement if 5G is concerned.

The moment 5G becomes the norm, expect it to also lead to the unlocking of the full potential of most of the other technologies mentioned here. Lightning-fast speeds and high bandwidth, larger connectivity density, and close to no latency, are but some of the qualities of 5G that pretty much seal the deal.


The future of the app industry stretches out like a vast plain filled with exciting things to discover. Users and developers alike need only to reflect on the facts outlined above to see how replete with opportunities the industry is thanks to these technologies.

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