When Is the Right Time to Upgrade Your Web Hosting? 3 Signs You Need to Find a New Provider
Web hosting is an online service that facilitates the publishing of websites on the Internet. There are no doubts about it, if you want to create a successful online presence, then you need to host a professional and eye-catching website.
In most cases, provided that you are working with a reputable web hosting provider, you should not experience any hosting issues with your website. However, if your website is not performing as it should be, this can have an impact on your profits, your credibility, and your brand.
So, let us discover 3 common signs that it might be time to find a new web hosting provider.
Your Hosting Provider Can No Longer Cope with Your Traffic
Generally speaking, an increase in website traffic is good news. It means that people are heading to your website in droves to find out more about your products and services. Although traffic spikes and network congestion cannot always be predicted there is no denying that they can test the limits of your hosting provider. Of course, while no provider can guarantee for certain that your website will never go down, if your website seems to be experiencing frequent outages in response to traffic spikes, then this is a red flag that your chosen provider might no longer be able to meet your needs.
Getting the performance that you need to run a successful website should not feel like a struggle. While traffic bottlenecks cannot be avoided completely, consistent downtime and the way that your host addresses these issues can be causes for concern. Ideally, your provider should offer support and assistance to keep you updated about any traffic issues, but if you feel that you are not being kept in the loop, it might be wise to branch out. Correspondingly, if your website is experiencing surges in popularity, researching different canadian web hosting options and upgrading your plan might help your website to cope.
Poor Customer Service
It can be incredibly disappointing to be let down by your hosting provider. If the support and management provided by your host is inadequate, then you might already be considering moving on. Business websites have real-time needs that must be met and if you are unable to get support with any hosting issues, then the consequences can be far reaching. Moreover, if your hosting provider does not seem to be able to comprehend your business needs, or if the customer service you have received so far does not seem up to the standard that you were promised, looking elsewhere might be necessary.
Furthermore, hosting technology, while incredibly useful, is still prone to a few common errors. For instance, components can fail, software services can crash, and servers sometimes need to be rebooted. All of these factors, as well as any other unforeseen circumstances can end up costing you time and money if not addressed in an appropriate and timely manner by your web hosting provider. By the same token, while misunderstandings are always possible, it is undeniable that customer service has to be a priority for web hosts. Website owners therefore need to assess whether their chosen host is up to the task of providing an excellent experience every step of the way.
Your Hosting Provider Cannot Accommodate Growth
When your business starts to grow, there is a high possibility that your hosting requirements will also increase. A website that performs poorly or experiences a significant amount of downtime can limit your growth and, in some cases, your chosen web host can be held responsible for these issues. Unfortunately, not all web hosts are created equally and therefore there are providers out there that are unable to scale and are poorly equipped for meeting the needs of a busy website. In fact, the ability to scale is probably one of the most important features to keep in mind when choosing a web host.
Accordingly, if your business is on the way up, but your website seems to be lagging behind, it might be beneficial to have a conversation with your web hosting provider about what they can do to improve your situation. If they cannot offer custom solutions outside of your current hosting plan to meet the increasing needs of your business, it might be time to reach out to a web host that has more experience dealing with websites that need to scale up operations. The initial moments when a business starts to take off are crucial and the future of your website and your business as a whole is dependent on a hosting provider that can accommodate your online growth.
Ultimately, it is important to remember that your relationship with a web hosting provider can make or break your website. Above all, be sure to regularly check in with your host to make sure that you are getting the performance that you need. By paying close attention to how your chosen web hosting platform deals with issues relating to business growth, online security, and any other customer service dilemmas, you can determine whether you are getting a level of service that is worth your money, or if it might be time to look elsewhere. Want to learn more about switching web hosting providers? Take a look at this article that explains why moving to a new domain has never been easier