Does your Pursuit for Perfection has any end? Think Again

While having tea with a friend, in a casual conversation, a question came into my mind…What is perfection? How do you know that your life is perfect?

Now, for my friend it was achieving some goals that he had set in life. For him it was achieving those targets. But what happens after he has achieved those targets? Can he truly believe that he has attained a perfect life?

It is human nature, we can never be truly satisfied with whatever we achieve. As we all have heard the saying “There is always room for perfection.”

We all strive to be a Perfectionist. But the question again comes up here, how do you know when to stop?

Have no fear of perfection — you’ll never reach it. ~Salvador Dali

Aiming for perfection has also been identified as one of the major causes of procrastination and for ruining relationships. We immerse ourselves so deeply in the pool of attaining perfection that we drown our life and relationships in it. It’s an addiction that often make us forget to appreciate what we have already achieved.

But it does not mean that aiming for perfection has to be taken in a negative way either. Process of attaining perfection is what sets ambition and goals in one’s life. It is a route to improvement in one’s life. That said, a fine line has to be drawn because we never know when ambition becomes obsession and ruins our life.


Anything and everything can be perfect. It’s in the eyes of the beholder. Mother’s cooking, love of your life, a single rose in a thorny bush, and the infinite number of other things. It’s the art of appreciation combined with optimism that helps one to find beauty and perfection in small things in life.

When I will be drawing last breaths of my life, I will look back to reflect what all have I achieved. I will wonder whether I have achieved everything that I had thought I would. Have I left a mark on this world? All these thoughts will surely come by. We all come across dilemmas and often wonder which course of direction to take. We might regret the decision taken for a short time but in our last moments when we think about our life and we are not regretting any of the decisions taken, I could say my life has been ‘Perfect’. Love and contention with what we have in life is the key to living happy, successful and ‘Perfect’ life.

That is how I define Perfection. How would you define Perfection?

Images: Google

Ankita Kumar

Ankita is a native of Dehradun and currently working with Infosys in Hyderabad. She loves reading books and someday wishes to publish a book of her own

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