Accelerate your fitness and health goals with FHMatch

FH1FHMatch – Fitness Health Match, a social networking platform focused on connecting professionals specializing in fitness, health and wellness with consumers looking for their services in the area.Professionals can expect to improve social awareness, build networks and establish recommendations with their optimized site. With their profile they can showcase skills, certifications, experience, links to their website and social media and upload photos and video. With a Premium membership professionals can display contact information, collect recommendations and be booked through the site.Consumers will have free access to professionals. FHMatch is focused on removing the everyday frustration of locating qualified fitness, health and wellness professionals in their area – on a credible platform.

David Quenneville, Founder, CEO – Professionally, he has over 20 years of experience in senior portfolio management, across several verticals in relationship management where his career has focused on customer benefit to value and strategic mapping.His tenure is in strategic management with global accountability in international and domestic financial services markets in B2B management.

Adam Arifi, Co-Founder, EVP – Background in law Enforcement and athletics. Trying to locate a professional has always been a painful and time consuming process. This led him to realize the importance of FHMatch and that it is a much need solution in the marketplace.He bring his unique background as an entrepreneur and small business owner, along with an abundance of determination and life-skills to help build FHMatch’s success.

Angela Holland, Co-Founder, EVP – Started her career as a lawyer then later as a small business entrepreneur, she relocated between Ottawa and Toronto to build on career opportunities. Aside from my enthusiasm for being active and trying various pursuits including golf, dodge ball and inner tube water-polo, she bring to FHMatch her background as a commercial litigator and corporate counsel in both the public and private sector.

Craig Schultz Co-Founder, EVP – He has been engaged in the technology sector for over 20 years where he have played a role in multiple companies including high-tech start-ups, online gaming, communications and healthcare.  At every opportunity he have expanded his experience into product and development, production IT operations, sales and strategic planning.

Their mission is to become North America premier social network site, promoting the well-being of the public, by providing the platform for consumers to connect with professionals of choice in the fitness, health and wellness community.Their Consumer model is free to use with or without a profile.Their professional model is free for the Lite subscription that gives all the information a prospective client can use to search, select and connect with the professional. A nominal subscription fee for a Premium membership which allows full functionality with profile enhancements.

Ankul Bagati

Ankul is a management consultant with a keen interest in Startups growing around and the technology underneath. Being a startup/technology enthusiast he writes about them in his free time. He loves food and travelling. He is an avid reader and is very active on the social media platforms.

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