Startup Augment helps to access apps within Gmail

AugmentAugment connects emails with cloud applications, and enables busy professionals handle all their work from within their inbox so that they never miss out on important stuff. Augment is a product of Autocus which is the parent company that was formally established in March 2014. It was incubated in JFDI Asia.

The engineering inspired vision of connecting different types of things is at the core of Augment. The founders envisioned a platform where different types of objects could talk to each other. This led to the development of the API engine which is the foundation of Augment. During our customer development, we spoke to a lot of users and realized that just enabling communication between different objects was not enough. Users need assistance in handling data from multiple sources. Thus, Augment in its present form (plug-in) was born. It combines email with other apps. Our early adopters love the idea which has encouraged us to go ahead and build a mobile app. The mobile app will be your primary go-to app which will intelligently provide the user with information based on context.

The founders of Augment are Utkarsh Apoorva, Madhu GB and Anubhab Bandyopadhyay. Utkarsh and Madhu have previously co-founded GuitarStreet which is India’s leading e-commerce store of musical instruments.

Utkarsh is as much into coding as he is into analytics and marketing. Utkarsh has a successful startup and a bunch of experimental web products behind him. He plays acoustic guitar (when no one is watching), reads everything under the sun and brings a wealth of experience in tech driven startups. He graduated from IIT Delhi in 2009 with Bachelors in Engineering Physics.

Madhu is the quintessential geek who codes for work, for fun and even to take a break from work and fun. Madhu has worked for numerous start-ups, and has many web applications to his name. Smitten by acoustic guitar and classical music, he likes to listen to instrumentals when he is not coding.He graduated from University of Mysore with Bachelors in Computer Science.

The problem of scattered data itself is very new. Until 5 years ago, people did not face with information overload at work and even in personal life. The concept of ‘Universal Inbox’ is non-existent. They are tackling a new-age challenge which has erupted in this era of apps.

They are serving the user with intelligent information based on context. This kind of technology is being utilized in the digital advertisement industry. And this is the first time that a user can reap the benefits of machine learning for his/her own personal use.

They see themselves at the primary go-to app across organizations around the World. They aim to encompass all the utility apps that are critical for the functioning of individuals and organizations alike. They are ardent followers of ‘User First Approach’. They have been interacting with users even before they started building the product. This has helped them to understand the major problems that needed a solution. Also, the apps that are being integrated are solely based on the user feedback.

Give a try to Augment  to increase your productivity.

Geekopedia wishes Augment best of luck for future endeavors.

Ankul Bagati

Ankul is a management consultant with a keen interest in Startups growing around and the technology underneath. Being a startup/technology enthusiast he writes about them in his free time. He loves food and travelling. He is an avid reader and is very active on the social media platforms.

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