Freedactics – A fast simple and effective education platform for students

Today as students we organize all our daily life around web and mobile technology, except the actual studying part. For learning purposes we still use huge amounts of paper, books and heavy backpacks because there is no solution out there to help students or teachers to easily digitalize their learning processes and contents. Enter Freedactics, a platform for studying where people have the option to learn at their own scope, with their own contents integrated!

Freedactics offers a Cloud-based learning and education platform for students and pupils. The Startup wants to facilitate the entire learning process. At the moment people can use Freedactics to manage learning resources, organize their tasks and appointments and create flashcards to memorize knowledge. All data is synced in the Cloud and accessible with a Browser or a mobile application

The Inception story

Freedactics is the brainchild of Raphael, an MBA from University of St.Gallen in Switzerland and USC in the USA. He has always been a passionate techie. Throughout his childhood he has started various web project, developed intranets and founded a IT-Service company in Switzerland in 2011.

During his time as student he realized that there is a lack of Technology for education. Especially when it comes to the needs of the individual learner. He saw himself and other students using their smartphones for almost everything except studying. He was convinced that this can be done in a better way and technology can have a positive impact on Learning. Driven by this idea and entrepreneurial spirit he founded Freedactics in early 2015 

Next Steps

The company has been funded in the past, but now is preparing to raise some seed funding.

Freedactics has simple 3 tier business model

  • Free to use for individuals
  • Marketplace for courses
  • Learning Management features for organizations on subscription base.

Raphael’s vision is to connect people, connect tools and power learning through intelligent systems. They don’t want to focus so much on content publishing or learning management but on learning itself. At the same time they acknowledge the need to integrate different perspectives, such as flash cards, content and task management.

With the launched of Beta Version for individual students, the platform is collecting the student’s inputs. With these inputs they will not only improve the product but also speak with organizations to understand the needs for the next generation of learning management systems.

So, join this fast, simple and beautiful platform that helps you be a part of a learning ecosystem that helps students teachers and organisations to simplify Learning. Head on to the link mentioned below


Akash Boaz

Akash is a Startup Enthusiast and an Entrepreneur by Heart. He is usually High on Tech and loves being a Life Hacker. Apart from being a Gamer by passion and a Foodie by choice, Akash loves to write about the Startup Ecosystem Stories. In addition to being a Management Consultant, he is also the Editor at Geekopedia

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