Startup Megavenues helps you to find the best places and venues

MEMegavenues host all the information needed to select the perfect venue – be it for weddings, private parties, get together, conferences, meetings, training, shows, promotional or any other event.Their user friendly interface makes sure that you get your venue information anytime, anywhere and can reach the perfect venue on the go.

The company is Co-Founded by Rahul Rane and  Shrinivas Chaphalkar with a current  team size of 42 including development, design, digital marketing, business development, sales, content creation and interns.

Rahul Rane – Co-Founder and CEO : Works closely with investors for investment rounds for Megavenues. Believes in a strong vision to disrupt the way the information flow and bookings in the events industry are done.
Specialties: End to end web and mobile solutions,web marketing,web advertising,web2.0,CRM and ERP systems.
Shrinivas Chaphalkar – Co-Founder and COO : Based in headquarters Pune, India he handles the day to day operations of across India for Megavenues.
Specialties: Business development, marketing, accounting.
Some of the unique features of Megavenues  are listed below:
  • Clean Uncluttered user interface.
  • Megavenues focuses exclusively on venues.
  • Authentic data collected through personal sales visits to all venues and kept live through a back end venue relationship management team.

Currently operational in 9 major cities of India. In next year they plan to add total 21 cities including US, UK and other countries.The company is already generating leads worth 4 -5 Crores per week and this number is growing each week.

Geekopedia wishes Megavenues best of luck for future endeavors.


Ankul Bagati

Ankul is a management consultant with a keen interest in Startups growing around and the technology underneath. Being a startup/technology enthusiast he writes about them in his free time. He loves food and travelling. He is an avid reader and is very active on the social media platforms.

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