With startup Mem-note turn you notes into knowledge

MN1Mem-note is a tool for anyone who doesn’t want to forget the notes they have taken. Designed around the tried and tested learning techniques of active recall (attempting to remember the item given a cue) and spaced presentation (presenting reminders over a period of time). The web app attempts to make this simple, and the time consuming process more efficient and organised. They are also trying to bring the full “App” experience to users via the web, it looks and works like a native mobile app within the browser including touch swipe effects on panels and a sidebar.

Thomas Madden is the sole founder. Prior to founding mem-note he was working as a medical doctor in training, but had a strong interest in programming and web design which he was unable to pursue due to work commitments. During his career he had tried every type of memory technique to improve his medical knowledge, especially for the numerous exams, but became frustrated at the lack of a simple tool to help him organize and learn his notes. So he created Mem-Note to be that tool. It combines the convenience and organisation of a note creation application with the power of a flash card revision system. However instead of requiring users to laboriously cut and paste small sections of their work into individual flash cards it simply require users to add questions to their notes (or just put a question mark on titled sections) and the website does the rest. They have also combined this with a unique reminder system so that users do not need to revise the sections of their notes which they already know well.

The site is in beta, and have optimized  it over the last few weeks and it is very stable. The revenue will come from advertising to free account holders and a premium service with a small monthly subscription fee. Thomas  intend to release this as an App, initially for Android in the near future. He also intend to add a curated public section where users can share their notes with a wider audience, individual users will be able to incorporate these notes with their own .

Geekppedia wishes Mem-Note best of luck for future endeavors.


Ankul Bagati

Ankul is a management consultant with a keen interest in Startups growing around and the technology underneath. Being a startup/technology enthusiast he writes about them in his free time. He loves food and travelling. He is an avid reader and is very active on the social media platforms.

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