Start a Ripple for your content without friend/follower

RippleRipple is platform that allow users to spread the most engaging content around the world without the friend/follower system. Additionally, Ripple has a map feature that allows you to explore where posts have traveled to and where they are coming from.Ripple is a social network who’s goal is to let people reach new audiences and to surface engaging content. When someone creates a post on Ripple, it is sent to people people near them. These folks can choose to spread the post to more people near them if they find it engaging and relevant. Thus, content travels much like a ripple, based on a function of time, proximity, and the relevancy of content. There is no social network which propagates content in this manner, without a friend or follower system.

It was founded in December 2014 and launched in late February 2015. They founded company with the goal of creating the simplest way to surface engaging content and share with others near you and around the world. Our team consists of 3 individuals who are graduates from Harvard and the University of California, San Diego. Two of the three are brothers, and team is currently headquartered in Seattle, Washington.

Paul Stavropoulos graduated Cum Laude from Harvard with a degree in economics and a computer science secondary. He left his role as a Program Manager with Microsoft to build and head Ripple.

Dean Stavropoulos is a UC San Diego graduate with a degree in mathematics. His background includes data analysis and marketing. He has a keen interest in understanding data and social trends.

Brandon Ong is a UC San Diego graduate majoring in management science. He served as a 1st Lieutenant in the Singapore Armed Forces. His interests include data analysis, marketing and finance.


Their growth at the moment is driven by targeting artists, photographers, and bloggers who have an affinity to use Ripple. In the coming months and years, Ripple’s growth will be driven by word-of-mouth interactions by current users. Their platform provides an ideal place for individuals to expose their work and their views, and those who are interested in reaching new audiences, as well as those who love seeing engaging original content, which will drive their growth.

Ripple’s content propagating algorithm is based on proximity, they are well positioned to surface local deals, discounts, and events to users. Retailers and Organizations who want to reach users in a geographical area would be able to promote themselves on Ripple, and the most engaging content will reach users in that geographical area. Ripple will also look to partner with artists other creatives to allow consumers to directly purchase art, movie tickets, etc.

Ripple is available on iOS and Android. Don’t wait Start a “ripple”.


Ankul Bagati

Ankul is a management consultant with a keen interest in Startups growing around and the technology underneath. Being a startup/technology enthusiast he writes about them in his free time. He loves food and travelling. He is an avid reader and is very active on the social media platforms.

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