Startup AGORA makes your cloud accounts universal for file sharing and collaboration

AgoraAgora is a file sharing and collaboration platform that makes Dropbox, Google Drive, and Box universal so you can get work done faster. They are bringing online editing, real-time collaboration, and seamless sharing to all the services we all already use. They are not a new cloud, they’re simply making it easier to manage and work with your files in a single spot so you don’t have to bounce back and forth between accounts to find or work with a file. They understand that working across locations, teams and applications, storing and sharing files becomes increasingly difficult and Agora solves that problem.A Google Drive user wants to collaborate with a Box user, a Dropbox file needs to be edited in real time, or two files need to be shared in tandem. Until now, these simple tasks were next to impossible. Agora solves all of these problems, allowing users from multiple
platforms to interact on one streamlined platform.


Main benefits of Agora are :

  • Aggregation – The ability to see/manage all of your online files in one spot.
  • Universal Editing – Edit any document regardless of the service it is stored on (this means you can live edit/collaborate on a word file from Dropbox with your buddy, as if it were on Google Drive).
  • Universal Share – Share any document with anyone regardless of the service it’s stored on and regardless of the services they have connected to Agora (Share a Box file with someone who has never used Box).
  • Migration – Move files between clouds seamlessly.
  • UI/UX – They’ve worked tirelessly on making sure that using their platform is incredibly intuitive to the point where they don’t even need to give you a tour around the platform.

There is no single platform that allows you to do all of the things listed above. Some platforms let you see all your files from one app, but they don’t let you edit them or edit them collaboratively. Those that let you edit them don’t let you share them, etc.Also, everything described above is completely free! You can add as many services as you want, even multiple accounts from the same service (ex. multiple Google Drives)!

They plan to continue to add incredible features to Agora that will help users to streamline their day and work more efficiently. They hope Agora grows into a large platform that many people are benefiting from. Their goal is to be at the intersection of you, your files, and your team.

Ankul Bagati

Ankul is a management consultant with a keen interest in Startups growing around and the technology underneath. Being a startup/technology enthusiast he writes about them in his free time. He loves food and travelling. He is an avid reader and is very active on the social media platforms.

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