Startup DIKY is world’s first feedback platform for people

DIKYDIKY is a reverse social network, where your friends and family can vouch for you in a very cool and innovative way, anonymously and authentically. Discover your crowd sourced reputation at DIKY.They have a vision to make people comfortable with vouching for each other. If they can execute this vision then what they would have created is world’s biggest feedback platform for people. They would then see it extending the same into content and brands.

This start-up was founded by Aditya Ahluwalia on 20 May, 2015 along with Dr. Niyaz Siddiqui, Shubham Kumar, Sharmeen Sahibole and Himanshu Gupta. Aditya got the idea on 16 May, when he was shutting down his previous startup due to lack of funding. He convinced all the above in 72 hours to come on board as the co founding team, and thus began the journey of DIKY.

Aditya :Intellect and humor rule him equally.He ensures the crew gives better than their damn best.
Niyaz : A multidisciplinary mind, who brings grey matter to the table and maturity to the team. Content is his baby.
Sharmeen : Front-end ninja. Her smile wins hearts and her </codes> spin DIKY. The girl’s got a mind of gold, spine of steel and speed of a raptor.
Shubham : Algorithm guzzler. Passionate. Dedicated. Diligent. Winner of Best Co Founder Award for Grumbling. Aims for perfection. Achieves it every time.
Himanshu : Back end Bond. Prefers mocking over talking. He is hardworking, persistent, intuitive and teetotaler.

They have a very diverse team of 10 members helping the founders to built the DIKY as they have a firm faith in idea behind the DIKY .Every team member comes from different backgrounds like – Technology, Medicine, Marketing, Analytics, Content, Consulting, Product Management, UI/UX and Augmented Reality. They are a self sufficient team with excellent in house capabilities and confidence.

Also they are showcasing the entire journey of building DIKY via our blog. If anyone wants to know what kind of first hand mistakes one can make while doing a startup, or how and what they are learning while doing DIKY, they must visit their blog.

Ankul Bagati

Ankul is a management consultant with a keen interest in Startups growing around and the technology underneath. Being a startup/technology enthusiast he writes about them in his free time. He loves food and travelling. He is an avid reader and is very active on the social media platforms.

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