WhizzTips App connect skills with needs locally, Worldwide!

WT1WhizzTips, a CloudKnots subsidiary, connects Skills with Needs locally, Worldwide! Available at your fingertips on iOS and Android.It was founded to connect experts in any fields to people who need specific advise. They endeavor to bring the global communities together by sharing knowledge across boundaries. It was founded by 2 aspiring entrepreneurs from Information Technology and Digital Media backgrounds. Their vision for WhizzTips comes from their own personal experiences in trying to get expert advice and services, fighting for fairness and affordability and ultimately finding that smart friends and neighbors could help more than faceless companies. WhizzTips’ location based services ensures customers find help nearby when needed than waiting for hours and days to get a minor fix done. It’s reputation based system also ensures you have peace of mind when hiring people. It works with background check firms to hire the right service providers to ensure safety & peace of mind.

The New York based startup is founded by Prajit Arakkal and Richard Pakenham.Prajit has been a leader in the European IT circles for 22+ years. Richard has been leading major publishing houses across the UK and the Middle East for 24 years. They have worked together for 15+ years and compliment each other’s skills quite nicely. They are both passionate about solving real business and consumer problems, and are strong believers of proving value before profits.

WhizzTips is the one app you need to take care of all those niggling tasks that you face at home. It’s a dynamic platform that can expand based on needs of households around the world. The one stop shop, if you will. It puts the user in charge as they determine their budgets.It will become the handy app of choice for every household across the world. They will also be letting companies register as service providers on the app, and that will provide users with a wider choice for tasks that are complex in nature.

Features of WhizzTips:

  • POWER TO THE USER : With your Service Request reaching multiple Whizzes, you get to choose who you will hire. Their suggestion – Please use a balanced approach between price and ratings & qualifications. The cheapest may not always be the best.
  • SOCIAL MARKETING ADVANTAGE : The Whizzes are always in the news. They promote their ‘Star’ whizzes though Social Media regularly. Popular Whizzes win more jobs!.
  • SELECT A SPECIFIC WHIZZ : Once a user is happy with a specific Whizz, you can hire them directly through the app searching by name.
  • WHIZZ COUNTER : Tells you how many jobs the Whizz has undertaken in their field of expertise.
  • STAR’ WHIZZ : A combination of 50 successful jobs and an average of 4.0 rating will make a whizz a ‘Star’. More benefits to the Star Whizzes to be announced soon.

WhizzTips are currently recruiting experts to its’ App. They could do with people spreading the word and nominating their connections who are experts in their fields to download the app and register on the platform. Their mission is noble – They want to help people around the world manage their budgets when they are in need of some help. They want to disrupt the rip-off culture, and fight for a free and fair world.


Ankul Bagati

Ankul is a management consultant with a keen interest in Startups growing around and the technology underneath. Being a startup/technology enthusiast he writes about them in his free time. He loves food and travelling. He is an avid reader and is very active on the social media platforms.

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