What is 5G Technology and 10 Reasons Why Do You Need It

In the age of high technology and innovation, humanity gained a huge number of opportunities. They include multi-functional gadgets, small-sized computers, and portable information transfer devices. All these technologies have one defining function. This is the access to the Internet. And while there is such access to the global network, the design engineers will try to improve the current standard of telecommunications. A higher technical education, writing a dissertation is the key to success. And try to offer more advanced telecommunications services.

What is 5G Technology

Strictly speaking, there is no term “5G” – it’s just a marketing name for standards of more modern generation mobile networks than those used now.  However, some consensus has now been achieved, and the fifth generation refers to mobile communication technologies providing data transfer rates of several gigabits or even tens of gigabits per second, delays of several thousandths of a second and/or capacities sufficient for simultaneous maintenance of tens and hundreds of thousands of final devices.

How Does It Work

Modern devices that have access to the Internet use 3G and LTE (4G) standards. It all depends on the bandwidth of the device itself. This means that the newer and more functional your device is, the more often it will be synchronized with the flow of information according to a certain network standard.


10 Reasons Why Do You Need 5G


The advantages of the 5G network in comparison with the previous technologies can also be attributed to the availability indicator. The coverage of such networks will vary depending on the needs of users. This result can be obtained by using automatic phased antenna arrays, which can correct the direction of the operation of the equipment during work.

High-speed Mobile Internet

Yes, it is now so fast, but there are new scenarios for its application, primarily applications of augmented and virtual reality, in which for a full-fledged immersion and presence effect it is required to transmit a huge amount of data (primarily images and video clips of ultrahigh resolution) for mobile devices in real time. At the same time, they need to be transferred simultaneously and without delays. In addition, such an Internet will allow you to finally switch to “cloud” applications when working with which all data is stored and processed on the server, and access to them can be obtained from any device. This allows to simplify and reduce the price of smartphones, tablet PCs and computers (they will not need large amounts of memory or powerful processors), have a good impact on their battery life, and create prerequisites for creating new types of subscriber devices such as glasses, implants and other goods from fiction movies.

Time-Critical Scenario

The point is that the data is transmitted to both sides without any visible delays. This, for example, can be unmanned self-guided cars, which must travel around the city and not collide with each other, calculating the development of the traffic situation in advance. Or it can be all sorts of drones. They can be controlled from anywhere, not just from a radio console: in the future, such devices will allow you to monitor security, deliver purchases, walk dogs and much more.

The Internet Things

Special versions of 5G, in which the emphasis is not on the data transfer speed, but on capacity and low power consumption, will be developed to implement this innovation. The fact is that for most IoT-devices speed is not required: they occasionally transmit and receive tiny amounts of data – whether it is a gas meter, a command to switch traffic lights or a signal to release a parking space. In the near future, sensors and data transmission modules will be built into virtually all the surrounding objects that can communicate with each other and with us. Initially, their implementation is predicted to begin with the housing and utilities sector and smart cities (cars and smart parkings are already working now). Then there will come the turn of “smart” production, where the sensors integrate with the machines and conveyors into a single whole organism, and then the “smart” houses, in which everything is automated from watching TV programs to ordering products in the supermarket can be developed.

3D Video Content

With the advent of the new network, we should expect the emergence of new services, as well as the evolution of existing ones. Technologies that are associated with the transfer of video will develop, its quality will grow, and its shipping cost decrease. Most likely, video content will become as 3D, and this requires much higher speeds which 5G is able to provide.

Increasing Number of Devices

The number of devices that can be connected to the Internet will increase; we should expect to connect everything that can be connected, from home appliances to vehicles. The number of simultaneous connections can reach 100 billion. Traffic will be consumed several thousand times faster.

Tactile Internet

A unique feature of the new communication standard is the tactile Internet. There will be an opportunity to interact with web resources in augmented reality.

Service Intelligence

This technology will handle a large number of incoming data, it will take into account not only the individual data of each user but also his public opinion, habits, everything that surround the user will constantly be analyzed.


Another key advantage of 5G is the complexity. It is designed to work with any type of traffic and provides a minimum delay, which makes it ideal for portable technologies, smart home devices and Internet-connected machines.

Device to Device Connectivity

This is a separate direction when the devices work directly with each other without the operator’s network. If the device exits the macro set coverage area, it can receive coverage from the macro network via a link to a nearby terminal.

The fifth generation is the basis necessary for the digital transformation of business, society and the state as a whole. Despite the fact that the technical characteristics of the fifth generation broadband access are still at the development stage, it is already obvious that the effect of using this technology will go far beyond the telecommunications business. Mobile networks will become an important part of the infrastructure for the development of key industries, and hence the economy as a whole.

Beatrice Howell

A high qualification, experience in students newspapers, Beatrice works with dissertations, essays, articles, reviews, summaries and other students work, help in university selection and preparation to entry exams.

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