GoPostMe, All-in-One App for all your social media interaction

GoPostMe app is bringing different social media networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram and Pinterest) under one platform for users to easily manage their social profiles.

This app will enable users to post messages, track updates, get notification alerts, and check run-time stats about social media usage all at one place.  Users can now share their Status, pics and videos in just one click across all their different social media profiles.

Using this app users are now more socially smart as they no longer have to go to each of these social apps individually to post and track separately.

Varun Sharma founded GoPostMe in 2015. Varun has 12 yrs of extensive experience in the IT industry specifically in Project Planning and management, Project execution, stakeholder management, budgeting and team building. His first venture was a citizen news reporting portal which didn’t see the light of the day; however that experience laid a solid foundation for ‘GoPostMe’ platform.

The app currently relies on the Ad based revenue model. However for the subsequent phases, the revenue model would be a mix of Ads + user subscriptions + API subscriptions.

Varun also commented,

“This is the Phase 1 of the overall product. For Phase 2 the work is already in progress and we plan to go-live in Q3 2016. With the launch of Phase 2 we are looking for ‘Customer Acquisition’ of around 500,000 to 800,000 and ‘Revenue’ of $700,000 to $900,000 after two years”

Why use GoPostMe?

GoPostMe app is One Fit for all !! This provides ease of interaction within community and friends, hassle free social media usage, no need to switch from one social app to another. Users can share their Status, pics and videos in just click. Some of the unique features of the GoPostMe app are

  • The ability to connect to multiple social networks all at once ((Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram and Pinterest)
  • Post to all these social networks at the same time
  • Track updates (likes/comments count) on your messages from these social networks at one place
  • Open these social networks from within the app by clicking on the posted messages
  • Check run-time statistics of your social network usage
  • Get pro-active location, calendar notification and auto-post them to social networks
  • Filter your messages using most active, flagged post

Download the App and try it now. Let us know if you liked the app in the comments below

App Store Download link

Android App will be available in the subsequent phases.

Akash Boaz

Akash is a Startup Enthusiast and an Entrepreneur by Heart. He is usually High on Tech and loves being a Life Hacker. Apart from being a Gamer by passion and a Foodie by choice, Akash loves to write about the Startup Ecosystem Stories. In addition to being a Management Consultant, he is also the Editor at Geekopedia

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