How Small Retailers Can Benefit From Having a Mobile App

Having an online presence through a website is passé. Consumers no longer sit in front of a computer and browse individual sites for their needs. They need service anytime, anywhere. Their online activities have shifted to a mobile platform. Therefore, yours should too. Mobile app development in Singapore is gaining a lot of traction. It being a popular business hub has only strengthened the argument for the need for such applications.

If, as a small business owner, you think a mobile application is not for your business, think again. Big retailers are no longer the only players in the mobile game. A good mobile application can boost your visibility and sales figures significantly. As more and more users continue to use their mobile devices to connect with brands, you should also develop one for your business.

There are a number of reasons why your business should go mobile. Sample these six.

  1. Marketing – Rather than spending your budget on big marketing campaigns, use your mobile app to send SMSs, texts, and relevant updates to your customers based on their needs. This will ensure your customers know what is available, when it is available, and where they can buy it. It is more likely that users will check their phones and see your updates rather than go to your website and find out what’s happening.
  2. Online payments – Having an online payment option will allow customers to pay for services via credit/debit card. It saves them the trouble of shelling out cash for every purchase. In addition, they can also pay from the comfort of their homes rather than having to come all the way to the store.
  3. Offers and promotions – Your mobile app can send alerts to customers whenever there is an offer or promotion going on. You can include special discounts for mobile users and loyalty customers, ensuring they will check back often. Even setting up reminders, by sending an SMS whenever there is a promotion, sale, or offer going on, is a great way to keep your customers interested in your brand.
  4. Support – Great customer service is the foundation for the success of any business. You should be able to respond to customer needs quickly. With a mobile app, customers can post their grievances at any time of the day so that you can respond immediately. This seamless stream of communication instills trust among your customers. They will appreciate your time and understand that you value their patronage.
  5. Feedback – Customer feedback allows you to understand what they are actually looking for from your business. Positive or negative, feedback is important for your business to grow. The availability of a feedback section keeps the channels of communication open between you and your customers. A mobile app lets customers leave their feedback on the items they’ve purchased, the service they received, or it could be a note of appreciation. It’s as simple as sending a text.

Mobile app development is neither expensive nor difficult. A number of digital agencies offer mobile app development in Singapore, who provide services from the development to maintenance of these apps. You should, however, organize and plan what you wish to achieve with it, on which platforms to build, and how much budget to allocate for its development.

If there aren’t many in your niche who use mobile apps for their business, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t too. You could be the pioneer and get ahead of the game. A mobile app can help you reach wider markets, communicate better with your customers, and hasten the growth of your business. So why wait? Take the leap and start planning your business’ transition to mobile today.


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